these are just some images I've saved because they caught my eye, none are mine, but enjoy!
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Being a constant reader of the Elephant Journal, not surprisingly I found an article that really resonated with me. Here is an excerpt:
He asked a wise person for advice and was told to forget everything, to forget his biography and just be—to discover himself in this way, in the shining light of the present moment (my interpretation). The thought panicked him (and me, by proxy). How can I stay myself if I willingly forget all that I was? he asked. And he was told: the important stuff stays. The important stuff stays. I love that, the important stuff stays. I am going to make that my mantra for letting go. In case you are interested, here is the link to the full article. I am finding myself needing to remind myself that I don't have to believe some things that only seem to be true. I don't have to believe that because people have problems "seeing" me, that I am unseeable or not worth being seen.
I don't have to believe that because I am not getting spend time doing "fun" things with people I enjoy being around that it will always be that way. OR that there is something missing in ME keeping that from happening. I don't have to believe that because I am not in a relationship that I am unloveable or undesirable. I don't have to believe that because I am now and have historically struggled with money, that I always will. I don't have to believe that because my business is yet again on hold, that it will always be. I don't have to believe that because my car is making a noise, that it will inevitably break down and screw me out of having the money to move on as planned. Ok...that one is probably gonna do I feel ok about it?..... |
AuthorArtist re-invention. Share the journey Archives
March 2020